অফলাইনে সেরা উদ্ভাস-উন্মেষ অনলাইেনও সেরা


Privacy Policy

Kindly read this privacy policy thoroughly so that you may learn more about the ways in which we use and protect your personal information. Udvash-Unmesh Online Care is committed to the highest ethical standards and is sensitive to the perspective that Udvash-Unmesh Online Care would be dealing with data and information that may be personal in nature. By using this website and providing your personal information, you agree to the terms of Udvash-Unmesh Online Care online privacy policy and to its processing of such personal information for the purposes explained in this policy. As part of our normal operations we collect, and in some cases, disclose information about you. By registering on the site or by subscribing to a service and providing your contact details (telephone, email, mobile number, shipping address, credit card details etc), you agree that this action constitutes a consent, for the purposes of the telemarketing laws, to receive information about products and services (“Services”) from Udvash-Unmesh Online Care. You hereby agree to our contacting you pursuant to the business relationship established using the information you provide to Udvash-Unmesh Online Care. We advise you to read this privacy policy regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of or your information. If you are not comfortable with any of the terms or policies described in this Privacy Policy, you must discontinue use of our Website.

Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. We follow stringent procedures to protect the security of the information and or data stored on our Website. The information that you have shared on our Website is stored in secure server with encryption and can be accessed only for official purposes. Any of our employees who violate our privacy and or security policies related to user’s data is subject to disciplinary action, including possible termination and civil and/or criminal prosecution.

On signing up on Udvash-Unmesh Online Care Website, you are required to provide us with certain basic mandatory information inter-alia including your e-mail id, name, gender, password etc. Once the registration is completed, the said e-mail, password, roll, registration etc. or a certain combination can be used to access your account every time you visit our Website.

Information we collect from you:
Udvash-Unmesh Online Care collects information that is either anonymous or personally identifiable. When you visit our site to read or download any information, we collect and store the name of the domain from which you access the internet, the date and time you access our site and the internet address of the website from which you link to our site, the search terms you enter into our search utility, browser software and internet service provider you use and any other relevant information, in order to improve security, analyze trends and administer the site. Our analytic tools may also capture anonymous information such as your demographic and geographic information, with a view to assist us in improving customer experience. We use this information to evaluate traffic patterns on our site, so that we can make it more useful to our visitors. The information we learn from you helps us personalize and continually improve your experience at our Website. We do not voluntarily make this information available to third parties, nor do we use it for any other purpose, except as set out herein. Set out below are the types of information we gather:

Information You Provide Us:
We receive and store any information you enter on our Website or give us in any other way, including but not limited to name, profile picture, gender, email id, telephone number, mobile number, course details, grade etc. in case you are a student or in the event you are registered as a tutor, the information that we collect would inter-alia include your name, school, school year, academic subject, tutoring experience, CGPA, listed interests, tutoring subjects, additional information on your tutoring areas of expertise etc. You can choose not to provide certain information, but in such event you may not be able to take advantage of many of our features. We use the information that you provide for such purposes as responding to your requests, customizing future shopping for you, improving our website, and communicating with you. Customer needs to fill all the mandatory information for placing an order with Udvash-Unmesh Online Care. Udvash-Unmesh Online Care may, as required or permitted by law or in the course of performing our regulatory responsibilities, provide personally identifiable information, such as your name and address, or any other information that you provide, without your permission to persons or organizations that request this information. Udvash-Unmesh Online Care has the right to share limited details regarding the tutor and the student subscriber with each other as per the requirements. However, at no instance, the tutor or the student subscriber are allowed to share personal information of any kind with each other during the course of tutoring or otherwise. Any such act would be considered as a violation of this policy and the accounts and services availed by respective parties will be suspended / cancelled at the sole discretion of Udvash-Unmesh Online Care. E-mail Communications: Registration to Udvash-Unmesh Online Care Services shall entitle us to send you promotional and transactional emails from Udvash-Unmesh Online Care. Subscription to our newsletters entitles us to send you periodic newsletters and promotional emails. If you do not want to receive e-mails or any other communication from us, you may unsubscribe by clicking on ‘unsubscribe’ at the footer of any email received from Udvash-Unmesh Online Care.
SMS and Voice Communications: Upon subscribing to any services on our Website, we shall be entitled to use your registered mobile number on the Website to send transaction related SMS/Voice calls to you, irrespective of DND services being activated on your mobile. We may occasionally send promotional SMS/Voice Calls to your registered mobile number.
Automatic Information: We receive and store certain types of information whenever you interact with us. For example, like many websites, we use “cookies,” and we obtain certain types of information when your Web browser accesses our website or advertisements and other content served by or on behalf of Udvash-Unmesh Online Care on other websites.

Payment Information:
We do not store any Debit/Credit card, Internet banking details or any other information related to these on our website. On clicking the option Pay Now, you will be redirected to either Secure Payment Gateway or Bank’s Net Banking website for completing the transaction. You will then be required to enter your relevant card details or net banking details on the page to complete the transaction. On successful completion of the transaction, you will be redirected to our website. It is to be noted that we will not be storing any bank related information on our records and none of our staffs will hold or be exposed to this information.

Information from Other Sources:
We may also receive relevant information from other sources and use such information for providing better customer experience.

Information to Tutors:
If you register to use the Service of Udvash as a Tutor, your name, school, school year, academic subject, tutoring experience, listed interests, tutoring subjects, additional information on your tutoring areas of expertise that you provide via the Services SNS profile picture (or other profile picture provided by you), and current online/office status may be publicly viewable via the Site.

Some of our applications use cookies. The cookies are files which will identify your computer or your “session” to our server as a unique user when you visit pages on our website. Once you exit our site, these “session cookies” expire (either when you close your browser or later). We also use “tracking cookies” to collect information regarding website usage (e.g., the number of visitors to different sections of our website) to analyze traffic to our website and improve user experience. We use cookies only to ensure your improved shopping experience and not for obtaining or using any other personally identifiable information about you. You may configure your browser to prevent cookies from being set on your computer. If you reject cookies, you may still use the site, but your ability to use some features of the website may be limited and you may not be able to use certain features of the website.

Social Media Links/Widgets:
The Website may include certain social media features, such as the ‘Facebook like’ button and widgets such as the ‘Share this button’ or interactive mini-programs that run on the Website. On using these features, the IP addresses of the user may be collected depending on the page that is being visited and the Website may set appropriate cookie to enable the feature to function properly. The social media features and widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on the Website.

Server Logs:
In order to ensure easy and comfortable surfing on our Website, each time you visit our Website, the server collects certain statistical information. These statistics are only used to provide us information in relation to the type of user using our website by maintaining history of page viewed and at no point they identify the personal details of the user. We may make use of this data to understand as to how our Website is being used.

We have in place appropriate technical and security measures to prevent unauthorized or unlawful access to or accidental loss of or destruction or damage to your information. When we collect data through our website, we collect your personal details on a secured server. The payment details are entered on the Payment Gateway’s or Bank’s page on a secured SSL. The data is transferred between Bank and gateways in an encrypted manner.
Udvash-Unmesh Online Care utilizes various information security measures such as firewalls, encrypted data transmission and other security techniques to protect your personal data. However, please keep in mind that transmitting information via the internet is never completely secure and thus any information submitted may be intercepted, collected, used or disclosed by others. As per our security procedures we may occasionally request proof of identity before we disclose personal information to you. You are responsible for protecting against unauthorized access to your password and to your computer. We are not responsible for the security or confidentiality of communications you send to us through the internet using email messages.